Saturday, November 2, 2019

The Chase Manhattan bank Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

The Chase Manhattan bank - Term Paper Example The CMB human resource has been carefully crafted to ensure that, the organization attracts and maintains the best talents in the banking arena. It also focuses on the development of the existing workforce through training, to ensure the staff is updated on the current banking practices and innovations in the industry. The CMB human resource strategy aims to ensure the bank’s business policy is correlated with the H.R policy. This is to ensure the bank has a sufficient, qualified workforce, to satisfy its requirements and meet its business objectives. The HR department ensures that it recruits raw talent and mould this talent for the future of the company. Through this policy, the bank cultivates a culture in the staff that complements its policies. Selection Process The selection process at the CMB is designed to identify the best banking talents among the applicants available, who will fit into the company, and add value to it to its human resource. This extensive procedure aims to determine whether the applicants are suitable for the vacancy offered. The job advertisements are sent out through different media, which include the print and electronic channels. The application process occurs in the following steps. The applicants, first fill an application for the vacancy through the internet, here, the applicant will receive an email confirmation that his or her application has been acknowledged.

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